A child is eligible for Early Intervention services if they have a 25% delay in one or more areas of development (cognition, communication, physical, adaptive and social-emotional skills) or any of the following physical or mental disabilities: autism/pervasive developmental disorder; serious emotional disturbance; neurological impairment; deafness/hearing loss; specific learning disability; intellectual disability; multiple disabilities; other health impairment; physical disability; speech impairment or blindness/visual impairment; AND are in need of special education and related services.
What is a Screening?
A screening is a preliminary assessment to determine if a child needs further evaluation and what type of evaluation is needed. The results of the screening may include:
- Returning for a further evaluation
- No indication for further evaluation
- Return for another developmental screening at a future date
What is an Evaluation?
An evaluation is conducted to determine eligibility for early intervention services by a team of highly-qualified professionals appropriate for the identified area of concern. You are the expert on your child and your participation as a member of the team is very important. An evaluation may include developmental testing, observation of your child’s play skills, input from your child’s preschool or daycare, and a parent/caregiver interview to gather information about your child’s developmental history, strengths, and areas of concern. An evaluation report is written as an outcome of the assessment. If a child is eligible for services an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed by the child’s family and early intervention professionals.
Terry Telep, Supervisor
Early Intervention
717.732.8400, Ext. 8539
Jessica White, Supervisor
Early Intervention
717.732.8400, Ext. 8781
Irene Reedy, Ed.D., Supervisor
Occupational & Physical Therapy, Behavior Supports, Transition
717.732.8400, Ext. 8543
Jennifer Lyden
Speech/Language Supervisor
Early Intervention, School Age
717.732.8400, Ext. 8254
Meghan Harvey
Speech/Language Supervisor
Early Intervention, School Age
717.732.8400, Ext. 8102