Federal Programs for Non-Public Schools
Title I: Improving Academic Achievement of the Educationally Disadvantaged
Federal dollars may be available to provide Title I services to eligible non-public school students through contracts with public school districts. Eligibility is determined by the student’s public school and district of residence.
Services include:
- Title I Remedial Reading and Math
- Classroom Teacher Consultation
- Parent Involvement
- School districts engage in consultation with the non-public schools
- Non-public schools identify economically disadvantaged students
- Public districts submit a grant application setting aside dollars for identified non-public school students
- Public districts contract with the IU to provide services
- The IU assists in identifying educationally disadvantaged students
- The IU staff provide services to identified students
- Public districts, non-public administrators, and the CAIU engage in ongoing meaningful consultation
- The IU and non-public schools participate in program monitoring
- Reports and data measuring student academic growth are required and shared with the non-public school and district to demonstrate program effectiveness
Title II, Part A:Improving Teacher Quality/Professional Development
Federal Title llA funds are allocated to participating non-public schools to provide staff development in core academic subjects in order to increase student achievement. Staff development can include on- or off-site workshops, conferences, or courses. Professional development must be in addition to what the school is required to provide for staff. Cost of professional development is paid or reimbursed directly to the provider or the individual teacher.
- Non-public schools complete the PNPE survey to participate in Title IIA
- Non-public schools receive annual allocation based on student enrollment
- Administrators complete pre-approval form for professional development
- The IU determines appropriateness of content and availability of funds
- After professional development, the non-public administrator submits post-event documentation
- The IU prepays for registration, if appropriate, or reimburses individual staff after the event has occurred
Title III: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Migrant Students
Title III Supplemental Services provide professional development, equipment, after-school programs, summer programs, and supplies for eligible students. Eligibility is based on screening and assessment by the public school district in which the non-public school is located. Funding can be used for materials and/or professional development for teachers.
More information
Hillary Williams, ANPS Federal Program Coordinator
717-732-8400 x8530
Lisa Klingler, Supervisor
717-732-8400 x8041